
Press More Than T-Shirts.
Add Promo To Your Workflow.

Expand your product line to offer customers promotional items, just by ordering our Promotional heat transfers. Imagine how much more you could sell if you could customize bags, umbrellas, lanyards, coolers, shoes, backpacks...

Free Sample Pack

The Promotional heat transfer is best for:

  • All kinds of promotional items.
    Print on complex technical fibres that weren’t previously possible.
  • Heavy duty fabrics.
    Adheres to durable fabrics like 600D polyester and ripstop Nylon.
  • Large objects.
    Can be used with a compressed air heat press to decorate suitcases, tents and sunbrellas.
  • Cardboard and wood.
    Apply designs to your packaging for an extra branding touch.

What makes it different from other heat transfers?

  • Low melt adhesive lets you press on a wide range of items.
  • A hot peel heat transfer that helps you work Supafast and Supaeasy.



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Ready to start heat pressing?
Get Started.